[dt_sc_h1_title title=”Weston Beauty Clinic” description=”Where Beauty Meets Medicine”]
[dt_sc_h2_title title=”Chemical Skin / Face Peels” description=””]
A Chemical Skin peel is most commonly performed for cosmetic reasons, to enhance appearance and self confidence. Chemical peel therapy may be performed in conjunction with other treatments. However a chemical peel is not a substitute for a face lift and does not prevent or slow the ageing process.
Weston Beauty Clinic offers a range of light and medium chemical skin peels including Glycolic, Easy Phytic, Easy TCA and Unideep. Our medical practitioners will advise you on the correct peel for your skin type.
Chemical peeling uses a chemical solution in order to improve the skin’s appearance providing a fresher, younger and rejuvenated appearance. It can reduce or eliminate fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth, correct uneven skin pigmentation, treat acne and soften the appearance of scars caused by acne. The procedure can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles caused by sun damage as well as skin blemishes common with age and hereditary conditions. Our medical aestheticians will advise you on the correct peel for your skin type and problem.
The treatment is ideal for:
· Age and liver spots (Lentigines)
· Reduction of smooth fine surface wrinkles
· Reduction of superficial blemishes
· Correction of pigmentation problems, age spots, freckles
· Reduction of acne/acne scarring
Areas which can be treated:
· Face, Neck & Chest
· Hands & Arms
· Other Body Areas
[dt_sc_h2_title title=”Different Types of Peels” description=”Glycolic Skin Peels”]
Glycolic Peel stimulates the growth of new, healthy skin by sloughing off the top layers of dead skin leaving your skin smoother and brighter looking. This type of chemical peel penetrates deep beneath the surface of the skin, exfoliating dead skin cells while stimulating cell regeneration and collagen production. A Glycolic Peel skin peel is effective for treating sun spots, acne scars, blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles . It will increase smoothness in skin texture , and balances irregular skin tones. It can also improve oily/acne prone skin.
Very little down time.
Price £65 per peel or £235 for a course of 4 spaced over 8-12 weeks
Easy Phytic Peels
Based on phytic acid, together with glycolic, lactic and mandelic acid, this peel requires no down time. It is ideal as a treatment for acne and mild pigmentation problems. It does not require any prior preparation of the skin and can also be applied in weekly treatment sessions for 4 to 6 weeks. It is also ideal as a monthly maintenance treatment following deeper peels, laser and IPL treatments. It will smooth and hydrate the skin and reduce breakouts of spots.
Price £95 per Individual Easy Phytic Skin Peel
Easy TCA peels (15% Trichloroacetic acid)
Easy TCA peels are used for sun damaged skin, with fine lines, open pores, pigment patches, melasma and sun freckles. It can also be used to treat active acne. It is usually a series of 4 peels at 1 – 2 weekly intervals. Courses can be repeated periodically. Light to moderate peeling occurs several days after each treatment and the use of specific creams to repair and protect the skin, high factor sun screens and avoidance of sun exposure are essential following the treatment. It can be used on the face, chest, neck and hands.
Price: Individual TCA Skin Peel £195
Course of 4 TCA Skin Peels £675
Frequently asked questions Based on our TCA Peel
Do I require an initial consultation?
You will require a full consultation with one of our Aesthetic Practitioners specialising in this technique. We will take your full medical history, assess your suitability for treatment and devise an individual treatment programme for you. You will be able to ask any treatment related questions and the practitioner will explain the planned procedure in detail, including the risks and benefits, the recovery period and the costs.
Note: pregnant or breast feeding women should wait to be treated.
How does the treatment work?
Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is a chemical solution that is applied to the skin. The solution causes the layer of skin to separate and peel off. The new regenerated skin underneath is usually smoother, less wrinkled and more even in both tone and colour of the old skin.
How long does the treatment take and how many sessions will I require?
Typically the skin is first thoroughly cleansed and then the practitioner will carefully apply the TCA solution.
A full face of TCA peel usually takes no more than 15 minutes. Depending on which chemical peel is recommended for you it may vary from a one-off peel to a course of 4 peels with one each week. Sometimes two or more courses of TCA peels may be needed to obtain the desired result and may be spaced out over several months.
How is the treatment administered?
The procedure involves a chemical solution that is applied to the skin. The solution causes the layer of skin to separate and peel off. The new regenerated skin underneath is usually smoother, less wrinkled and more even in both tone and colour than the old skin.
Is the treatment painful?
Anaesthesia is not required for TCA Peels and you may feel slight stinging sensation as the peel solution is applied to the skin, but the feeling will quickly pass.
Are there any possible side effects?
All products have a potential for allergic reactions. It is important that the patient informs the practitioner of any allergies they may have.
Transient reactions may include redness to the skin, itchiness, dryness and in some cases swelling.
It is common for most patients to experience transient hyper-pigmentation. This will settle during the course of treatments and with use of the appropriate treatment creams and sun protection (SPF30).
Although very rare, there may be in some cases risk of blistering.
Expected Reactions Immediately Following a Peel
· Slight redness
· Increased feeling of heat to the skin being treated
· Occasionally patients experience an itchy feeling