Before laser tattoo removal, all other methods of tattoo removal involved major scarring. Fortunately modern technology means that having an unwanted tattoo removed is now usually a simple process that is available to everyone.
At Weston Beauty Clinic we are equipped with the very latest in laser tattoo removal technology. The new hi-tech and powerful laser allows for fast tattoo removal. The removal of a multi coloured tattoo requires the use of different laser systems in combination to ensure superior results. We use lasers – 1064 Q Switched Nd YAG & 532 Q Switched Nd YAG. These lasers have a proven record of successful tattoo removal. The safest and most effective systems available today.
How does it work ?
Our laser tattoo removal system works on the principle of selective thermolysis, delivering light quickly and at a controlled energy level. This energy exposure selectively destroys the foreign pigment contained in the tattoo, breaking it into small pigment particles which are then removed by the body’s immune system. As the destruction of the pigment is preferential, minimum damage is caused to the surrounding skin.
there are two wavelengths of light that are emitted from this laser – one is invisible infra-red light and the other is visible green light . The infra-red wavelength is preferably absorbed into black and dark blue inks, whereas the green light is absorbed by red ink.
How long does it take and does it hurt ?
Usually 1 treatment sessions last between 5 and 40 minutes depending on the size of the tattoo. The lasers do cause discomfort during treatment, similar to being “snapped” with a rubber band. Most patients equate the pain of tattoo removal with the pain of getting the tattoo. Some areas are more sensitive than others, such the shoulder blade and ankles. The pain tends to lessen as treatment progresses and the tattoo ink fades. Most patients tolerate the discomfort of treatment very well.
How many treatments do I need?
There are several factors that influence the number of treatments required, these can be down to how easily you heal, how deep the ink is in the skin, and the types of ink that were used. Generally speaking the longer you have had the tattoo and the darker it is, the easier it is to remove. The light can only shatter a certain amount of ink in one treatment, so several treatments are needed at 6-8 weekly intervals to work through the layers. You will notice the tattoo fades more and more with every treatment you have. A professional tattoo can take between 8-12 treatments although some Indian ink and amateur tattoos can be removed within 6 treatments and sometimes only take 1 or 2. It is therefore impossible for us to give you a price over the phone.
How much will it cost?
Prices generally start from £60 for a small tattoo and increase in amount depending on the size of the tattoo. We will be able to give you a personal quote once we have assessed your tattoo in the consultation.
How will my tattoo respond?
Blue-black, black, and red colours in the tattoos are easily removed, Multi-coloured professional tattoos are more difficult to remove completely, brighter & lighter colours such as white, yellow and particularly green can be very difficult. Whilst the Indian ink tattoo and red areas in the tattoo may disappear after 3-6 treatments, the other colours may need considerably more treatments. Sometimes these pigments will not disappear at all, despite the use of advance laser technology . However, these colours are often faded enough so can be hidden with cover up make up.
Why is it difficult to treat colours other than black & red ?
The scientific reason for this failure to respond is that the colours do not have a corresponding laser light. The light will only see the colour ink it is attracted to as different wavelengths absorb into different things. It is not possible to produce a laser that can see all colours as some wavelengths are too shallow when absorbed to affect the ink, others can absorb into other matter and damage the skin in the process.
Is there anyone who can not be treated?
Dark-skinned people aren’t suitable for tattoo removal. We evaluate people’s skin on the Fitzpatrick Scale. Skin types are classified from one to six based on your skin, eye and hair colour. One to four is classed as white skin and four to six dark/ethnic skins. Anyone who is over a four should be very careful about having tattoos removed because it can cause pigmentation and the patient could be left with a big blotch. See also side effects above.
What are the possible side effects of laser removal?
Getting laser tattoo removal doesn’t guarantee that you’ll have no side effects during the process, but symptoms will be minor and less uncomfortable compared to other tattoo removal methods. Luckily, they’re also not permanent. Common side effects of laser removal include:
- Blistering: This issue often occurs because the laser heats up blood vessels and causes them to break. These blisters are usually superficial, contain water and ink and heal within three to 14 days.
- Scabbing: Like blistering, scabs contain the tattoo ink particles, forming within eight hours to three days after your session. Fortunately, they’ll heal in about two weeks.
- Itching: Itchiness is a sign that the body is healing, as itching is your body’s immune system targeting a weakened area. It’s best to avoid scratching the spot. Consult your technician for advice.
- Frosting: While the white foam coming from your tattoo looks odd, it’s a result of the heat from the laser penetration releasing carbon dioxide from your skin.
- Swelling: Heat can sometimes cause swelling that will go back down once your body’s immune system realises there’s no danger.
- Scarring: Scarring is an uncommon side effect, only appearing in less than three percent of patients receiving laser tattoo removal. Always follow the aftercare advice of your technician. Drink plenty of water, avoid direct sunlight and get lots of sleep to prevent scarring.
- Hyper and hypopigmentation: Both hyper and hypopigmentation are the result of skin changing colour and can often occur as a consequence of an inexperienced technician. Hyperpigmentation is excess melanin formation and found in patients with a medium skin tone. Luckily, it will heal over time. Hypopigmentation is the lightening of the skin and may take longer to heal, but can be reversed by following aftercare instructions.
It is possible for the lasers to be absorbed by skin pigment as well as tattoo ink. Darker skinned patients may notice some lightening of the skin (hypo-pigmentation). This usually returns to normal in 6 to 12 months. For your own safety we can not treat tanned or self tanned skin, the increased melanin can cause hypo pigmentation as well as burning. It is also important to avoid sun exposure through out your course of treatment.
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