What is Blue Peel RADIANCE?
Blue Peel RADIANCE is an addition to the Obagi medical range. It contains a unique blend of salicylic, Glycolic and Lactic acid to provide a gentle but effective peel, resulting in tighter, smoother, brighter looking skin immediately after just one use. Salicylic acid based peels are used to improve patient outcomes for a range of skin conditions, including acne, photo damage and melasma. Blue Peel RADIANCE effectively exfoliates the uppermost damaged skin layers, leaving your skin fresh, renewed and radiant.
The Radiance Peel is 2.7ph and 20% Salicylic with a blend of lactic and glycolic, and attached is the patient brochure should you need it.
What results can I expect?
Obagi Blue Peel RADIANCE can improve your skins look, texture, and feel in a matter of minutes. Superficial exfoliation, with little to no downtime. Provides instant radiance, tighter, smoother, brighter looking skin after just 1 treatment although a series of 4 to 6 peels provides best overall results. It is particularly effective, in the treatment of photo damage, and results in an overall improvement in the texture and tone. It may also be beneficial in the treatment of darker skin pigmentary changes.
What does the procedure involve?
A test application of the peel solution can be applied on a small area of the skin before proceeding to a large area. Secure the hair away from the face with a headband. Remove all traces of make-up with Nu Derm Gentle Cleanser, ensure the patient is comfortable in a reclining position, the lips and corners of the eyes and nose are then covered with a small amount of petroleum jelly or a moisturiser to protect the sensitive areas. A piece of gauze can be placed over each eye if required.
Obagi Blue Peel RADIANCE
How do I prepare my skin prior to the peel? Patients should avoid use of the following products and procedures on the area to be treated for 5-7 days prior to the peel:
- Laser Hair Removal, Waxing or depilatory creams, Electrolysis, Microdermabrasion
Certain products may increase skin sensitivity and/or cause a stronger reaction to the peel, avoid the use of the following products for the 3 days prior to the peel:
- Topical retinoids and tretinoin (including Retin-A, Renova, Differin, Tazorac, Refissa)
Other topical acids or exfoliants that may be drying or irritating to the skin (such as alpha hydroxyl acids [AHAs], beta hydroxyl acids [BHAs], exfoliating masks, retinol, benzoyl peroxide)
CAUTION: Patients who have recently had any medical aesthetic facial treatments or procedures (laser, microdermabrasion, etc) should wait until all sensitivity has subsided. Avoid BHA-ingredients on infants or children.
How do I care for my skin post peel?
Mild peeling and redness is normal. Please consult with your physician prior to returning to your normal skin care regime (usually 5-7 days after application of Blue Peel RADIANCE)
Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 at all times, especially for the week post peel. Recommend Sunshield SPF50 - Hydrate or Hydrate Luxe can be used as a moisturise. Avoid direct sun exposure Treat the skin gently - Do NOT exfoliate or pick at peeling skin - Do NOT wax or use any form of hair removal during the peeling stage - Avoid AHAs & BHAs, retinoids, facial products containing fragrance for 1-week post peel
Common contraindications include:
- Active cold sores, herpes simplex or warts in the area to be treated - Wounded, sunburned or excessively sensitive skin with the application area - Currently pregnant or breastfeeding - Dermatitis or inflammatory rosacea within peel area - Accutane use within 6-12 months’ prior the peel application - History of radiation therapy in the application area - Allergy to salicylates.
If I use Nu Derm, can I still have the peel?
Not in the first 6 weeks (Reactive Phase). After this, just make sure the patient stops the use of Exfoderm, Tretinoin/Blend 3 days’ prior
If I use CR-x, can I have the peel?
Yes, but stop the use of Exfoliating d prior to the peel due to the Glycolic and Lactic acid content.
What if I am using the CLENZIderm M.D System?
You can have a Blue Peel RADIANCE peel when using CLENZIderm. Simply stop the use of “active” products 3 days prior to the peel. This includes all 3 products in the system. Normal protocol can resume 48 hours after application if the skin can tolerate.